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 Who We Are 


Loch Lomond Beach Club was formed July 18, 1968. It is a Wisconsin non-profit corporation formed to foster and maintain friendship among its members, to care for and maintain club properties, enforce covenants, and to collect charges therefore.


Loch Lomond Beach Club, Inc. is run by a seven to nine person board of directors elected at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is held on the second Saturday in June.


The board establishes a budget which is voted on by the general membership at the annual meeting. The budget determines the annual maintenance that is assessed on each lot. The fiscal year runs from April 1 until March 31. 


Ownership of a member lot gives the owner a non-assignable membership to Loch Lomond Beach Club, Inc. With this comes all the benefits, amenities and obligations of membership.


Covenants and restrictions run with the property. There is an architectural control policy in force. Development of any lot within the property must adhere to the guidelines of this policy.


Building permits are required BEFORE site development begins. Permits may be needed from as many as three separate locations.

  • Building Permits for all construction and Land Use (including recreational vehicle use) are obtained by contacting Loch Lomond Beach Club, Inc, 2754 28th St., Birchwood, WI 54817.  Telephone: 715-354-3400 or by emailing

  • Building and land use permits are also required from the Barron County Zoning office. Sanitary permits are also issued from this office. The zoning office is located in Barron WI. Telephone: 715-537-6375

  • Driveway Permits are required and are obtained by calling the Township of Cedar Lake shop. Culverts MUST be obtained through this process. Telephone: 715-234-3817


Electricity throughout the development is with Xcel Energy. For installation and cost information contact Xcel Energy. Telephone: 1-800-895-4999

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